Does this resonate? You’re a startup with a great idea and initial market interest. Your product feature set is evolving. Customer demand is growing and investors are starting to take notice. You pride yourself on how far you have taken the company on your own, but now it’s time some outside help — not with strategy sessions and process but marketing, lead generation, and operational efficiencies to ensure your company can handle anticipated growth.

How 2 Market can help your start up:

  • Identify your target customers and their need
  • Determine your value proposition, brand, messaging, marketing strategy
  • Pressure test your feature set and price point
  • Identify new or untapped market segments
  • Identify partners to complement your business and provide warm leads and referrals
  • Help you to leverage your existing network of business relationships
  • Identify competitors and assess their strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify and qualify leads
  • Help you build a sales team to grow and manage demand
  • Establish a process to funnel leads into deals
  • Determine and improving close rate